Thursday, March 20, 2014

Alamogordo Training 3/23/14, 2pm at the Alameda Park Zoo in Alamogordo NM

If you have an out of control child, then you need to be at the Alameda Park Zoo at 2pm this Sunday, the 23rd of March.  Serena Talamentes will be presenting a class on things to do when you have an out of control child.  Come join us and bring your out of control child with you.  Our well qualified childcare attendants will entertain them while Serena gives you precious nuggets of instruction on how to deal with out of control behavior without pulling your hair out or pulling their hair out!  We will provide a light lunch for you and your child.  CE hours will be awarded, also.  While Serena instructs us in the AFOTZ(Alamogordo Friends of the Zoo) classroom, your children will be allowed to go into the zoo with our childcare attendants.  They will enjoy games, exercise and seeing the zoo animals - and maybe come back with some awesome feathers!  So, if you're like me and need help with out of control behavior, run - don't walk - to the Alameda Park Zoo this Sunday and get some helpful tidbits from Serena.  You can RSVP to me, "T.", at 575-491-7246 to save your space in the class.  Hurry and get there, but don't speed because if you get a ticket, we may see an out of control adult!  C'Ya Soon......."T."